25 years of full speed ahead!

At WPK, we are proud of being more than just a provider of body parts and accessories for lorries. We are your partner when it comes to reliability, quality and innovation. Our commitment has made us one of the leading companies in the world in commercial vehicle parts.
The secret to our success lies in our passion for excellent service and in our sound technical knowledge, paired with extensive experience. We understand that your day-to-day business requires quick and precise support. We have a highly-qualified team that is specialised in offering you service-oriented advice, configuration and delivery from a single source. And, if necessary and desired, we are always available to you on a personal level.

Our core competencies as a service provider with heart and soul:

Passionate about sales:

When we say the best product at the best price – we mean it, since it is the result of hard teamwork that we do and improve upon every day.

Tried-and-tested in practice:

Each listed WPK product has undergone a strenuous series of tests before it is shipped. As a result, it virtually ensures that there are no surprises.

The customer is our benchmark:

At WPK, successful work begins with genuine understanding. We are familiar with our customers’ requirements and act consistently according to them.

Quality at all levels:

You cannot find high-quality commercial vehicle parts at every corner. By choosing WPK, you are choosing a head start and an excellent value for the price.